Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.
- Henry James
- Henry James
Today was the last summer day. Autumn starts in the northern hemisphere at 2309 hours tonight. The weather was incredible with temperature highs in the 80's ( 27 Celsius). Beach is enjoyable with the absence of August revelers and children. Surf is modest due to tropical storms out at sea....
The lifeguard chairs may stand empty; but nature consumes the barrier island that is Ogunquit beach. Birds, plants and marine life takeover, and call Ogunquit beach home. Tropical storms at sea stir the ocean floor and delivers quahog shells on the shore. Aquatic birds feast on the quahog bounty. Sea roses stay in bloom with goldenrod standing tall on the parabolic dunes.....
Locals call September the best month. Warm sunny days, cool nights and adults consume the Maine shore.
The setting sun west of the dunes signals the end of another perfect day in Ogunquit, and the end to the summer of 2010. Autumnal equinox signals the start of fall, and a harvest moon rises as I head home from the beach....
Please hold the weather until Columbus Day weekend....heart pangs....Weather here in Upstate same, heated the pool and took a dip...but not the same, you are Sooo fortunate.