Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

No one can love you like your mother
                                                                                       -Helen Chinal
These are the words that my aunt Helen said to me moments after my mother passed away almost six years ago. How true these words are....

Mothers are with us all throughout much of  life ( if we are lucky). They give us life,  they feed us, take care of us, and as adults they are usually the first people we call when we have important news.
Often times, they are present at  major events in our lives: first day of school, graduations, birthdays, proms, Cub Scout banquets, music lessons, sporting events etc...

My mother was unselfish, caring and endearing. She tirelessly cleaned, cooked and chauffeured her four children, and never asked for anything in return. Every year I would ask her "what do you want for Mother's Day, Mom" her reply was always the same: "I want well behaved kids".
As I get older in life, I find that I inherited more qualities than my Celtic good looks and fair skin  from my mother. I inherited her love for all things of the sea and beach. I also inherited her love of travelling and exploring new places. My mother gave me the confidence  to "think outside the box" and see the world. She gave me the confidence to  be who I am today, for that I say Happy Mother's day!

1 comment:

  1. How well said...the most profound moment in my life was the moment after my Mum passed. I too was lucky to have had a Mum like yours...including the love of sand and sea.
